Hours of Admission

Monday - Sunday: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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Waves of Wonder

Take a trip through the Waves of Wonder habitats to experience a diverse variety of colorful species. Enjoy the sight of oscillating and undulating jellies, clownfish, and anemones. There’s even a fish that spits sand! This gallery also features the Heart of the Sea, home to many Florida favorites like a loggerhead sea turtle, hogfish, honeycomb rays and bonnethead sharks.

Queensland grouper

Animal Spotlight: Queensland Grouper

The Queensland grouper is a magnificent species named for its native home in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, around the Great Barrier Reef. Also known as the giant grouper (not to be confused with the goliath!), the Queensland grouper is the largest coral reef-dwelling bony fish in the world, weighing up to 880 pounds! These fish are ambush predators that hide in coral reefs, caves, and even shipwrecks waiting to strike. As adults their mottled brown coloration provides camouflage while their eyes, adapted for dim light, can rotate to spot prey without moving their heads. Despite having multiple rows of teeth, the Queensland grouper swallows its meal whole.

Fun Fact: You can spot our resident Queensland grouper in the Heart of the Sea gallery, alongside tarpons and Shelldon, the loggerhead sea turtle. This resident is a rescue that came to us from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Its distinct appearance is a result of growth complications in its early years of life.



Shallows or coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region off Queensland, Australia.



Fish, small sharks, crustaceans, juvenile sea turtles



Larger fish, sharks

Conservation Status

Conservation Status

Not evaluated


